botox for overactive bladder

 The bladder is a hollow, muscular organ. It is located in the pelvis and connected to the kidney by a tube called the ureter. A valve separates the ureter from the bladder.

The bladder stores urine until it is full, then releases it through a tube called the urethra. The muscles of the bladder wall remain relaxed while the bladder fills with urine. As it fills to capacity, signals are sent to the brain that it's time to urinate. When these signals reach the brain, they cause a person to have an urge to urinate.

To urinate, you relax muscles in your pelvic floor and tighten muscles in your abdomen that push downward on your bladder. Relaxing the pelvic floor muscles allows urine to flow out of your body through your urethra. At the same time, tightening your abdominal muscles compresses your bladder so that urine is forced out faster.

Overactive bladder (OAB) means you have symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage of urine at least once per week for more than three months. You may feel like you need to urinate many times during the day or night or that you have an urgent need to go now but can't make it to a toilet in time before having leakage of urine

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